Super late night/911
Hey everyone!! Every have those nights where you just can't sleep! 👋 that's me tonight. And I should be tired I'm always tired on Thursday. Anywho. Just laying in bed watching a 9/11 special on msnbc. Can't believe it's been 13 years. I was in high school( I can't remember is I was a freshmen or shopmore weird right lol) but I was just leaving art class headed to history class and our teacher turned in on It was just an awe moment. I also witnessed the second tower getting hit. That will forever be burned into my memory. Crazy it's been 13 years and I remember it like yesterday. Where were you? Were you even born? I think about my step kids and nephews and only 2 out of the 5 were born. Amazing how so we teach then about this special day. It hard for me I put into words what happened that day and just thoughts and feelings. It always makes me enjoy each day with everyone I love but also to be cautious...that September day was beautiful the sun was warm and just seemed perfect...and beauty is somewhat deceiving.... Idk just my thought at midnight. I originally was making this a post about some new products that I picked up..but that can wait. Remember the unity everyone felt how everyone hugged and just bonded. Nothing since then had brought us together like that. We need that mentality now in everyday use. It won't solve all our problems but I feel like in the last couple years this nation and states and cities and towns all over America and the world have been divided with so many issues and wars. I'll never forget I felt like a true American that day. I took pride and still do with my country. I'm so fortunate to live in a place with so many freedoms and if push comes I shove we do have each other's backs. I can have whatever religion I want marry a person of color or different ethnicity or a woman or man and not have to worry and being put to death. Love is love here,maybe not everyone agrees with it but No one kills is over i(I do realize that it took a long time to get where we are now and some people have lost thier lives to such issues). I'm just filled with pride and love right now. Sorry for the long rant. Hopefully you still read this post and it relate in some way to you. I will leave you with this image I saw earlier today and it touched my heart and left me heartbroken at the same time.
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