My Makeup Brush Cleaning Routine with Zote
Everyone hate cleaning their brushes..but we all know it needs to be done!! It just takes forever and ever!!! It would always take me at least 2 hours! My old method was mixing baby shampoo and dawn dish soap together in a bowl then rinse them in another bowl with clean water;then wipe them with a clean towel,and finally let them dry overnight on another clean towel. I hated this therefore I would sometimes go weeks without cleaning them (i know gross but Im being honest here!) And using dirty brushes as we all know can cause break outs and just major skin problems which leaves out makeup looking less then perfect!( and nobody wants that!!!) Then I heard some chatter about this stuff called "Zote" I have never even heard of it before. But girls were saying how it cleans their brushes AHMAZING! Even though everyone was talking about it. I didn't take it that seriously.(idk what was wrong with me...a million things lol). But one day I was shopping and Big Lots for my cats lol. And I went down the laundry soap isle and AHHH(that's angels singing FYI) There it was. Zote. I was like shut the front door! Plus it was 99 cents. I didn't even thing twice about picking it up. You shouldn't either! It cut down my washing time in like more then half! And I had a lot of brushes! They come out so nice and clean..Like new! For real. Zote gives them a deep clean. Even cleaned left over makeup I thought I had gotten rid of! Plus its so easy. Plus there is only 4 steps! and I don't even know if you would count them as 4 full steps!!! Below I listed the steps and pictures for ya'll Hope this helps convince you to rush out and buy this!You will thank me later. I'm sure of it!!!
Here are my 3 dirtiest brushes

EW! sorry they are so gross looking But I use the stippling brushes for my bronzer!!! lol
Step 1: Wet Brush
Step 2: Swirl around on soap
Step 3: Rinse (repeat as needed)
I usually do it twice!
Step 4. Let dry
Now I still have to let them dry overnight. But it literally takes me like 30 mins to clean them. Which I don't mind doing at all!! See how much easier that was.
See how much of a difference there is!?!?! I still am shocked at how clean they come out! Ah its like love every time I seen clean brushes!!! Can't wait to beat this face up again!!! An extra little note: Please make sure you rinse the brushes really good especially if you have sensitive skin because I have heard( even though it hasn't happened to me) that Zote can irritate the skin. Just be careful and watch out as your would starting anything new.
There you have it folks! I hope this helps cut down your brush cleaning routine and you enjoy it as much as i do now. lol. P.S I am leaving for vacation this coming Saturday. So I am going to try and do a couple more post before I leave for 12 days!! I know I have been slacking and I promise to make it up to you dolls!! I have lots of stuff to show ya'll and review and tell you about it. It's kinda overwhelming but that's okay.
As always if you have any questions or comments. If your have tried Zote let me know how you feel! Leave your comments down below or you can always find me on Instagram , Twitter and Makeup Social
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