A little update

Hello loves,
 I've been meaning to write this blog post for you all, but it hasn't been very easy to get around to it.  I wanted to explain to everyone that the reason for the lack of some post recently is I am having some health issues right now, I don't really want to get to much into it,but it stops me for being able to do a lot of things. Just recently I have started to feel a teeny bit better. So I thought I would take the time out to just let everyone know, I'm trying not to slack but it has been very difficult lately. There are so many post that I have been preparing for you guys. It may be a little slow but they are coming. Right now I am currently testing out some nail polish for you. I am on my 3rd color.(Plus I have another coming in the mail) I will have a post regarding that up soon. I don't know if I want to do a huge nail polish review or break them down. You know my post can get a little a long but I kind of want to shorten then up a bit if I can. What do you think? Let me know. I really hope everyone understands. I'm so sorry if I let anyone down by not posting enough! They are coming!

Here is a little preview of the nail polish I am currently testing

1. The Kylie Collection by SinfulColors
2. Wet n Wild 1 Step Gel Polish
3. Fresh Paint( I never tried anything from them and i loved this color)

Once again I just want to thank everyone for patience!! You guys rock! As always you can always reach me down below if you have any questions!

Snapchat= xotiffnyxo


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