Garnier SkinActive Micellar Foaming Cleanser

Hey guys! How's it been going? You may have noticed that I haven't been very active over the last 2 months. I had surgery in March and there has been some complications during the recovery. I am just now starting to feel like myself again. I am so happy to be back. While doing my makeup today I was like I need to make a blog post. And I have been dying to talk about this product. Let's get to it shall we.

      Ok while I was recovering I couldn't really leave my house so my amazing husband would do all the shopping. While he was at the store I asked him to pick me up some Micellar water. He came home with Micellar Foaming Cleanser. I've never heard of it before and the bottle says new. Have you guys ever seen it ? Well I was totally bummed when I read that it wasn't like normal Micellar water where you can just put some on a cotton pad and wipe it off. This actually had multiple steps and I was like uhh no. But I thought maybe it will be a great product.

The directions say to wet your face. Then gentle massage into a lather and then rinse off. Seemed easy enough right?
             My biggest problem with this product was that it never lathered for me. It just felt like was rubbing gel onto my face. It felt so gross. Plus it didn't take my makeup off like I would expect a cleanser to do. My face also felt weird after I rinsed it. I am just not a huge fan of this cleanser. There are plenty of other great cleanser on the market and definitely great Micellar waters out there.
 So all in all I would not recommend this product. Don't waste your money. Have any of you tried this?
How do you feel about it? Let me know down below or at any of my social media sites you can find below.
Until next time

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